ESA’s 12th Annual Gala

Join us for ESA’s 12th Annual Gala! Our gala raises funds to support many of the wonderful activities we have at ESA, including the arts programs, trips in the city and abroad, and supplies for teachers! Please click here to buy tickets. Have something to donate? Please contact gala [at]

New Student Orientation

Congratulations to all 8th graders who received a seat at Essex Street Academy! We will be holding a new student orientation on Saturday, April 29th. Please see here for more information!

Student Led Conferences

On Thursday, March 20th and Friday, March 21st, advisors will hold Student Led Conferences.  This is your opportunity to hear from your child and their advisor about their progress in school and their goals for the remainder of the semester. The process of students critically reflecting on their learning with their parents and advisors is […]

First Day & FAQs for New Students!

To the 9th graders and transfer students joining us this year - welcome!  Here are answers to some of the questions you may have. 

Essex Events